

NOTE: the following documentation needs to be updated.

The following link provides documentation all of the MPC specific functionality for NLOptControl.jl.

The basic MPC problem is first defined using the defineMPC!() function.

In this function call, the user needs to specify all of the data that will eventually be needed to call the configureMPC!(). So, depending on the :simulationMode different sets of initialization data must be first be passed to defineMPC!(). These sets of initialization data are described for each :simulationMode in simulationModes.


n.mpc.tcurrent time in (s)
n.mpc.texcurrent execution time horizon in (s)
n.mpc.tpcurrent prediction time in (s) == getvalue( if n.s.finalTimeDV==false (otherwise it is not applicable)
n.mpc.maxSimmaximum number of total MPC updates


The settings are defined using the configureMPC!() function where the following keys can be passed.

VariableKeyPossible ValuesDescription
n.mpc.s.mode:mode:OCP, :IP, :IPEP, :EPidentifies the simulationMode
n.mpc.s.predictX0:predictX0true or falsebool to indicate if X0 will be predicted
n.mpc.s.fixedTex:fixedTextrue or falsebool to indicate if n.mpc.tex is fixed
n.mpc.s.IPKnown:IPKnowntrue or falsebool to indicate if the IP is known
n.mpc.s.saveMode:saveMode:all or :noneindicates the mode that is to be utilized to save the results

As an example:



The value for all of the flags is true or false.

VariableInitial ValueDescription
n.mpc.flags.goalReachedfalsebool to indicate if the goal has been reached


There are four different possible values for simulationMode that can be set by the :mode key as described above.


In this case, the plant model is the set of differential equations defined within the OCP. The entire OCP is still defined entirely outside of the MPC_Module. For instance, n.numStates and n.numControls represent the number of states and controls for the OCP, respectively.

To keep track of all of the n.X0s that are passed to the OCP, we define an time stamped array is defined called n.mpc.X0ocp. The first element in n.mpc.X0ocp is automatically set to n.X0 after calling defineMPC!().


For all modes, the initial state in optimization, n.X0, is set using the define() function. If needed, it can be changed before the initial optimization using the updateX0!() function.

n.mpc.X0ocp and n.U are passed to these differential equations to simulate the plant for a time given by n.mpc.tex, the final state is stored in the next element in the n.mpc.X0ocp array. Then, n.X0 is updated to n.mpc.X0ocp[end].


Since the plant is known in this case, n.X0 is updated using future knowledge of the state. So, the simulation is "cheating" in a way, by assuming perfect knowledge of where the vehicle will be after n.mpc.tex.

        OCP solving    n.mpc.X0ocp[end]
  n.mpc.t0         (n.mpc.t0 + n.mpc.tex)

IP (:IP)

In this case, the OCP is solved controls are sent to


The states and controls in this model may not be the same as they are in the OCP and thus n.ocp.state.num and n.ocp.control.num may not represent the number of states and controls, respectively for the IP.

n.mpc.ip.control.numnumber of control variables for the IP
n.mpc.ip.state.numnumber of state variables for the IP

As an example, assume that in the OCP, the KinematicBicycle is used. The state and controls should be defined as:


Then assume that the ThreeDOFv1 is used for the IP. The states and controls would be defined as:


To calculate the error array, each state variable in the OCP is compared with each state and control variable in the IP. The result is stored in a map called n.mpc.mIP. For the aforementioned example, that map look like:

State Equations

For this mode, the plant model is defined by plantEquations within NLOptControl.

This is simply done as

 n.mpc.plantEquations = KinematicBicycle

where KinematicBicycle is a function that solves a set of ODEs given a control, an initial state, and a simulation time. For an example see VehicleModels.jl.

InternalEP (:IPEP)

In this mode, there is an IP that can be used to help predict X0 (X0p) for an EP.

This option can be useful when the OCP needs to be solved quickly and a more complicated model (IP) may give better X0p. Also, in developing functionality to determine the error in X0p. That is without having to deal with an external simulation can methods be developed to improve X0p.

EP (:EP)

A set of n.X and n.U makes up UEX and is fed directly to an EP.


Synchronizing MPC systems is critical for performance and safety.

Fixed Execution Horizon

Variable Execution Horizon

Currently, there is no functionality for this. But, this may be useful and it would augment a prediction of the time as well as X0. So, to account for this possible expansion, a predicted time (very simply the current time plus n.mpc.tex for the fixed execution horizon case) is added to X0p.

This is the case, where the OCP is being solved as quickly as possible. In this case predicting n.r.ocp.tSolve( roughly equal to n.mpc.v.tex) is a challenging problem because there is no guarantee that the OCP will be solved in a particular amount of time. A simple way to predict n.r.ocp.tSolve is to average several of the previous n.r.ocp.tSolve values.


Evaluating the error of the prediction of X0 is important. Additionally, evaluating the tracking error (or following error) for each state is also important. Fortunately, there is built in functionality to calculate and save these errors.


Currently there is no need to quantify error in this case.


In this case, the errors are calculated



This is the most complicated mode and there can be errors

Results and Variables

The following tables describe the results and are organized by mode.

Concern is that there may be too much data to save.


n.X0current initial state
n.r.Xcurrent solution for states
n.r.Ucurrent solution for controls
n.r.t_stcorresponding time for states (and controls minus the last entry)
n.mpc.r.dfsX0DataFrame of all n.X0 arrays used in optimization each appended with n.mpc.t


n.mpc.r.UIParray of latest matrix of controls for the IP
n.mpc.r.dfsUIPDataFrame of all matrices of n.mpc.r.UIP
n.mpc.r.X0pIParray of latest prediction of n.mpc.r.X0aIP
n.mpc.r.dfsX0pIPDataFrame of all n.mpc.r.X0pIP arrays
n.mpc.r.X0aIParray of latest actual initial state for the IP
n.mpc.r.dfsX0aIPDataFrame of all n.mpc.r.X0aIP arrays
n.mpc.r.X0pIPearray of latest error in between n.mpc.r.X0pIP and n.mpc.r.X0aIP
n.mpc.r.dfsX0pIPeDataFrame of all n.mpc.r.X0pIPe arrays

need a mapping between states and controls for different models to calculate error


n.mpc.r.UIPlatest matrix of controls for the IP
n.mpc.r.dfsUIPDataFrame of all matrices of n.mpc.r.UIP

